
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year - Welcome 2015

Every new year, I try to reflect on the previous year - what did I do well, what can I do better, etc...and this year is no different.

This past year brought challenges and rewards - Anna became a bat mitzvah and did an amazing job...Jake played on the golf team and was an amazing manager of the varsity football team at school...Anna won her age group at regionals and moved up to the next level in gymnastics...Jake started driving (and just got his license)...my sister got married!!!!...my parents built a new house...Andy and I celebrated 19 years of marriage (and 22 years together) - all good things.  With the good, however, comes the not-so-good...my best friend moved away and now her husband is battling cancer (though I am confident that he will win the battle)...

I choose to be positive. My grandmother used to call herself a Pollyanna (a movie/book reference for those who don't know) and I choose to be like her. I find myself doing and saying things like she would.

So, for 2015, my goal is to be more present, to be a little more "unplugged" and to take on a little less. All things that I am capable of, but all things that will be hard for me. Wish me luck! HAPPY NEW YEAR!