
Friday, March 11, 2011

Anna's gymnastics season ended with a boom...unfortunately, it wasn't the boom of the spring board or the vault table...it ended with a broken femur and four weeks in a cast.  We're not exactly sure how she broke her femur, but the orthopedic said Anna probably had a fall at some point and landed on her knee, then continued to work out, run, play, etc. and the fracture increased, until she couldn't handle the pain anymore.  I'm guessing my daughter has a very high tolerance for pain since the doctor couldn't believe that she wasn't LITERALLY writhing in pain. 

She's an amazing kid with a great attitude.  She's upset that she can't compete at State, but knows that the leg will heal and she'll get back into her gymnastics routine with some rehabilitation and more hard work.  If anyone can come back, she can!  I am very proud of her. 

Jake has been very sweet during this whole "ordeal" and has helped out as much as he can.  When we found out the leg was broken, Jake's first thought was what he could do to make Anna feel better.  Gotta love him!

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